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Obama Lies in O'Reilly Interview

In one Obama interview... count the lies!
Every response is a lie!

2014 Obama: "I don't think we have to fundamentally transform the nation"

2008 Obama: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming
the United States of America”

Obama: 'Not Even A Smidgen Of Corruption' in IRS

Obama: Fox News Reason for My Problems

"it got fixed within a month and a half, it was up and running and now it's working the way it's supposed to"

"I promise you that we hold everybody up and down the line accountable"

"that's an act of terror, which is how I characterized it the day after it happened"

"The fact of the matter is is that people understood, at the time, something very dangerous was happening, that we were focused on making sure that we did everything we can -- could -- to protect them"

"We -- we revealed to the American people exactly what we understood at the time. The notion that we would hide the ball for political purposes when, a week later, we all said, in fact, there was a terrorist attack taking place the day after, I said it was an act of terror"

"Mr. Shulman, as the head of the IRS, is constantly coming in, because at the time, we were trying to set up the, uh, and the IRS"

"and the IRS is involved in making sure that that works as part of the overall health care team"

"I mean these kinds of things keep on surfacing, in part because you and your TV station will promote them"

"Not even mass corruption, not even a smidgeon of corruption, I would say"

"I don't think we have to fundamentally transform the nation"

"We've got to make sure that we're doing everything we can to expand the middle class"