The Manumitter

Conservative News Website

Tim Waltz Liberal Policy Archive

Vets who served with Tim Walz go scorched earth in Megyn Kelly sit down: ‘Habitual liar, coward’ Tim Walz’s Attorney General, Keith Ellison, Celebrates Brazil Banning Elon Musk’s X
Gov.Tim Walz, Minnesota Banned Christians From Teaching
In Public Schools
Tim Walz Pushed to Power U.S. Navy with Algae to Fight Climate Change
Tim Walz Helped a Child Murderer Leave Prison Early Now He’s Back
on Trial for More Charges
REPORT: Tim Walz Administration Awarded $2 Million to Charity Linked to Al-Qaeda in Minnesota
Transgender: Tim Walz Signed Law to Strip Children of Parental Protections 'Incredibly evil': Minnesota Democrat Gov Tim Walz's
2023 executive order pushed child sex changes
While other governors were lowering taxes, Walz socked Minnesotans with slew of tax hikes Tim Walz proudly posed with mastermind behind pro-Hamas riots on American campuses following
Kamala’s VP pick Gov. Walz supports free college for illegal immigrants Former Minnesota Bar Owner Calls Tim Walz ‘Evil Man’ Who ‘Ripped’ Up Small Businesses During COVID
Tampon Tim Spent Tax Dollars on a Drag Event With “Children’s Activities” Run by a Satanic, Homosexual
Incest Porn Star
2007 Video of Tim Walz Makes Rounds on Internet:
“I Deployed in Support of Operation Enduring Freedom” – A COMPLETE LIE #StolenValor
Flashback: VP Pick Tim Walz Smiles for Cameras as He
Signs Bill That Gives Illegal Immigrants Drivers Licenses
Watch: ‘Normal’ Tim Walz Supports 10-Year-Olds Getting Transgender Care



Other Sites from the Editor - Thomas George



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Someone who frees others from bondage.
In our case, the bondage of fake news...
Someone who stands guard over the truth.

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free
" (John 8:32)

This site is dedicated to:
Baby Boy A, Baby Boy B, Baby C, Baby D, Baby E, Baby F and Baby G:
The victims of abortionist Kermit Gosnell and all other unborn and partial-birth abortion victims.
Also - those with developmental disabilities such as Down's Syndrome who deserve a chance at life!